Dry Eye Exam

Dry Eye First timers 
When you come into your appointment please: 

  • Do not wear your contact lenses into the appointment
  • Do not apply makeup on the waterline
  • Bring any artificial tears you currently use
  • Bring your updated list of systemic medications


  • Comprehensive Dry Eye Exam

Perfect for those who are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above or those who have tried over-the-counter solutions with no success. 

What to Expect: 

This exam will include a thorough analysis of your gland, tear film, and ocular surface health. It includes special testing that is repeatable in order to monitor the progress of your dry eye throughout the management of the disease. Dr. Mota and Dr. McNutt will design a treatment plan specific to your situation, type of dry eye, and set up a follow-up schedule to manage your dry eye disease.