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Dry Eye

Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease is a common eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause discomfort and vision problems, among other symptoms. 

At Physicians Eye Clinic of Laredo, our experienced eye doctors understand how dry eye can impact your quality of life. Our dry eye specialists have the expertise necessary to diagnose and treat dry eyes so you can have lasting relief and improved eye health.

Macro of red eye

What is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye disease is an eye condition that affects the surface of your eyes and is characterized by an imbalance in the tear film. If your eyes produce too few tears, or if the tears your eyes produce aren’t of good quality, the surface of your eye, called the cornea, will not be adequately lubricated. 

This imbalance can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms and can even cause blurry vision. Left untreated, dry eye disease can cause damage to the surface of your eyes, leading to more serious eye health issues. 

Chronic dry eyes can also impact your quality of life, making everyday activities like reading, working on a computer, or driving more challenging. 

Fortunately, many treatment options are available to manage dry eye symptoms and restore balance to your tear film. 

Working closely with your eye doctor at Physicians Eye Clinic of Laredo can help you find the most effective solution for your specific case of dry eye.

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Dry Eye?

Not everyone will experience the same symptoms of dry eye. You may experience only one or two of these symptoms, whereas someone else may experience them all.

Additionally, in some cases, dry eye symptoms may come and go. The most common symptoms of dry eye include:

older man dabbing tears from his eyes because of dry eye

If you experience any symptoms of dry eye, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor at Physicians Eye Clinic of Laredo in Laredo, Texas, for an evaluation.

What Happens During a Dry Eye Exam?

During a comprehensive dry eye exam at Physicians Eye Clinic of Laredo, your eye doctor will thoroughly evaluate your tear film, glands, and the surface of your eyes. This exam will help determine what is causing your dry eye symptoms or why over-the-counter solutions have not worked to improve them.

During your visit, your eye doctor will perform a series of tests to discover the severity and cause of your dry eye. These tests are designed to be repeated over time so they can keep track of your eyes’ health.

Using the test results, your eye doctor will develop a treatment plan that’s customized just for you based on the specific type of dry eye you have. Your eye doctor will also recommend a schedule for follow-up appointments to make sure the treatment plan is working and managing your dry eye effectively.

What Causes Dry Eye?

In order to know the best method of treatment for your dry eye, your eye doctor will determine the root cause of your symptoms. There are many possible causes of dry eye. 

Some of the most common risk factors for dry eye are:

Age: Tear production tends to decrease with age.
Gender: Women are more likely to develop dry eyes due to hormonal changes.
Medications: Certain medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants, and antidepressants, can reduce tear production.
Medical Conditions: Autoimmune disorders, thyroid problems, and inflammatory conditions can contribute to dry eye.
Environmental Factors: Dry, windy, or smoky environments, as well as prolonged screen time, can exacerbate dry eye symptoms.

By identifying the specific factors contributing to your dry eye, your eye doctor can develop a targeted treatment plan to address the underlying cause. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most effective care for your unique situation. 

How Do Eye Doctors Treat Dry Eye?

At Physicians Eye Clinic of Laredo, our eye doctors offer several effective treatments for dry eye, depending on the severity and underlying causes of your condition.

Eye Drops

Woman using eye drops

Over-the-counter or prescription eye drops, known as artificial tears, can help lubricate the eyes and improve mild to moderate dry eye symptoms. Your eye doctor will recommend the best type of eye drops for your specific needs.

Amniotic Membranes

If your dry eye is severe, your eye doctor may recommend the amniotic membrane Prokera. Prokera is an FDA-regulated medical device designed to reduce inflammation and corneal scarring. 

During a short in-office procedure, your eye doctor will insert the Prokera ring, which is similar to a bandage contact lens and remains in the eye for three to five days. This will help heal the damaged corneal surface, reduce inflammation, and alleviate dry eye symptoms by providing a protective environment for your eye to recover.


Lipiflow is a thermal pulsation treatment for those with meibomian gland dysfunction, which is a common root cause of dry eye. This in-office procedure uses a single-use activator inserted into the eye, which heats and massages the eyelids to loosen and express blocked glands. 

The procedure takes approximately twelve minutes and provides long-lasting results, depending on the current gland health.


ZEST by Zocular is a relaxing, spa-like treatment perfect for anyone with itchy or teary eyes due to dry eye or blepharitis. During the procedure, our doctors will thoroughly clean the lid margin and lashes using the Zocular ZEST kit, which contains a unique complex that gently lifts and clears oil, debris, and residue. 

The treatment requires no downtime, and you can enjoy the immediate results of cool, refreshed eyelids.