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Suffering from Dry Eye?

Are your eyes constantly dry, itchy, or burning? You might be one of the millions of Americans suffering from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) — the leading cause of dry eye. MGD occurs when the tiny Meibomian glands in your eyelids become blocked, preventing them from protecting the tear film, a crucial layer that keeps your eyes lubricated.

Did You Know?

  • Over 30 million Americans have dry eye, and a majority of these cases are caused by MGD.

  • Symptoms include persistent dryness, irritation, and even blurred vision.

Are You at Risk?

  • Contact lens wearers
  • Individuals Living in High Heat or Dry Climates
  • People with Hormonal Imbalances
  • Heavy users of digital devices like computers and smartphones
  • Chronic Allergy Sufferers
  • Frequent Travelers
  • People with Autoimmune Disorders
Macro of red eye

Introducing LipiFlow®

Imagine a treatment that can unblock your Meibomian glands and relieve your dry eye symptoms in just 12 minutes. LipiFlow® is that breakthrough solution, designed to treat MGD right at its source.

One LipiFlow® treatment can be compared to applying artificial tear drops multiple times a day over several months. While artificial tears temporarily relieve symptoms by lubricating the eye, LipiFlow® addresses the root cause of dry eye (Meibomian Gland Dysfunction) by clearing blockages in the Meibomian glands, potentially providing more lasting relief with a single 12-minute treatment.

How LipiFlow® Works:

Is LipiFlow® Right for You? Ask Your Primary Eye Care Provider!

At Physicians Eye Clinic of Laredo, we believe in empowering you with the information you need to make the best decisions for your eye health. If you’re experiencing symptoms of dry eye, we encourage you to speak with your primary eye care provider about whether LipiFlow® is the right treatment for you.

Why Choose LipiFlow®?

Schedule Your Consultation Today and Continue Your Journey to Clearer, More Comfortable Vision

If you’ve already established a treatment plan with your primary eye care provider, schedule your LipiFlow® consultation with us today and take the next step toward relief from dry eye.